1. P2P stands for Peer to Peer 2. A node is a computer on a blockchain Network 3. Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin 4. You store your cryptocurrency in a Wallet 5. Average Litecoin transaction time is around 1.5 minutes 6. A miner is a computer that validates and process blockchain transactions 7. Dash offers the PrivateSend function 8. You buy cryptocurrency from a private transaction, an exchange, or a bitcoin ATM. 9. Buying two pizzas was the first known purchase with bitcoin. 10. A blockchain is a distributed ledger on a peer to peer network. 11. Bitcoin's creator publish a whitepaper introducing the digital currency in 2008. 12. The maximum number of bitcoins that can be created is 21 millions. 13. The BitLicense regulation for cryptocurrency companies was introduced in New York 14. Mt Gox was hacked and is a now-defunct bitcoin exchange. 15. The process of creating new bitcoins is popularly known as mining. 16. Silk Road was a site run by Ross Ulbricht was closed by the FBI for letting people buy drugs with bitcoin. 17. Overstock.com started accepting payments in bitcoin in January 2014. 18. Blockchain is not the same as Bitcoin. 19. Multiple people simultaneously can access a record that is on a blockchain. 20. Once records are submitted on a blockchain they cannot be altered. 21. It is possible to program a blockchain to record transactions automatically. 22. There are two types of blockchains, permission chain and public chain. 23. A dApp is a decentralized application. 24. Forking is the term for when a blockchain splits. 25. The purpose of a nonce is to prevent double spending. 26. A cold storage is a Private key not connected to the internet. 27. Block rewards in cryptocurrencies incentivize the miners to give correct validation of transactions. 28. A genesis block is the first block of a blockchain. 29. A private key is a key NOT to be given to the public. 30. The Ethereum Virtual Machines is powered by a unit called gas. 31. Asymmetric encryption uses both Public and Private keys. 32. Proof of Stake is a transaction and block verification consensus protocol. 33. UTXO stands for Unspent Transaction Output. 34. Merkle Trees was invented by Ralph Merkle. 35. A hash function takes an input of any length and returns a fixed-length string of numbers and letters. 36. IPFS stands for Interplanetary Filing System. 37. A Dash Masternode is a node that provides additional supervisory network services. 38. Immutability makes blockchain tamper-proof. 39. The creator of Bitcoin introduced Bitcoin through a White Paper. 40. Bitcoin uses UTXO, Ethereum uses Account Balance. 41. Sidechains are any mechanism that allows tokens from one blockchain to be securely used within a completely separate blockchain. 42. A LiteClient allows you to interact with the blockchain without downloading the whole blockchain.